samedi, décembre 30, 2006

Living in Sin

Parenting younger children at bedtime requires a great deal of vigilance-but its also the time when our energy is at its lowest. Did I mutter that exhortation about the teeth or did I say it clearly? Heck, did I even say it to anyone but myself...or did it fall into the chain of commands that usually includes "usesoaphangthetowelsputyourclothesinthehamper"...Well, you know what I mean. Sometimes I think I've said something to Colin or Sian-but I'm truly not sure I've said it to anyone. All of that being said (or not said) the most frustrating moments with your kids may be the ones where they hear what you say-and choose to do something different. I have a mantra I use with Colin before he gets into the bathtub: "Make sure you wash your hair..with soap!" But it wasn't until he came into the kitchen for his evening glass of milk that I noticed his hair was almost bone dry. He knew he should have washed it-I struggled to understand why he didn't wash it. "I don't know" he confessed, putting his arms around my recalcitrant waist. After getting over my annoyance, I went into his bedroom, turned off his light, and threw my arms around him. Then I told him about St. Paul-the man who told us about doing the things we didn't want to do and not doing the things we should do. That's called sin, I told him. He reflected a moment-then Colin Paul Evans said cheerfully-"That's why my middle name is Paul!" Maybe all of us should have the middle name honor the disciple who had the humility to name his condition, and the insight to seek the only doctor who could cure it.

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Welcome to RevGalBlogPals - a great group of folks! Glad you joined the group.

Anonyme a dit…

Welcome to RGBP!

leah a dit…

Welcome to RGBPs and a Blessed 2007 to you and yours! I hope to visit your blogs often.

Jennifer Garrison Brownell a dit…

welcome to RevGals!

Deb a dit…

Smile... Have to tell you that I do remember an occasion where as a kid about 8-10 ish I was told to "go take a bath". I carefully washed my arms and legs, and wet down my hair... not realizing that I stunk of 'tired, sweaty little girl'... and yes, I got to take a real bath very quickly... must be in the kid handbook that parent's don't read!

welcome to RGBPs!